Originally Posted by Crompsin
Dunno, Tully... I'm kinda a crappy swimmer. My form is iffy and I don't have a lot of confidence in the water. I'm hoping that the blunt force trauma associated with learning to dive will improve my swimming confidence. I know that sounds kinda backwards, but it makes sense in my head.
SCUBA certs... all part of my plan to become a better Swiss Army Human.
I may be one of the worst swimmers I know. Obviously I can swim. But it takes me about 9.5 mins to do 400yards. I can tread water without much effort at all, been like that since I was a kid. Drown testing in the Navy was a breeze for me. The swim? Moving myself from point A to point B, yeah not so much. And as far as form goes it's, well it's not good. I've literally had people see me and think I'm being funny. No that's how I swim. I've had instructors tell me "Hey you're doing that wrong." I've tried it their way, doesn't seem to work for me. Why? I have no idea. I've decided I'm an old sea dog and can't learn new tricks. My reply anymore is "Yep, it's wrong, I know."
Once I'm underwater I'm at ease with everything, completely comfortable with my surroundings.