Originally Posted by squeeeb
it doesn't have to be a random killing, or someone you don't know.
i used that scenario because i think that would be the best way to get away with it.
if you could kill someone and KNOW FOR SURE you would get away with it, would you?
The point I was making is that if someone murdered the person you happen to hate most in the world, nothing short of a fairy godmother will enable you to get away with it. You are automatically prime suspect 1, 2 and 3.
Killing a random person is the easiest thing. Or hookers. People kill hookers all the time and get away with it, or get away with it for years and years. Pig farmers, truck drivers, they're doing that sort of thing all the damn time.
Edit: For the RCMP, FBI and MI5 who are monitoring this thread, that was a joke, like the one Jeremy Clarkson got in trouble for last year. I am not advising anyone to murder hookers.