thats a load of baloney dude.
my sisters got a name, but i wont tell you because i dont know you well enough.
maybe thats also the case with your friend? did you just meet the guy, or are you guys best friends?
sometimes muslim men can be very defensive of their women. its quite common here in the gulf to go to an arabs' place and visit the family without actually seeing the women. the men have their own visting quarters, and women have their own.
i have been in houses like this here in the UAE as well as some extremely devout muslims in australia. im a stranger to them, and i take no offence to it. although i do find that here in the gulf, its not done out of religious piety, but rather than custom.
but yes, she's got a name, theres just a reason why he wont tell you.
An injustice anywhere, is an injustice everywhere
I always sign my facebook comments with ()()===========(}. Does that make me gay?
- Filthy