Originally Posted by ghoastgirl1
WTG Crompsin! I recently got my scuba certification as well. I went ahead and invested in a really good mask, pair of fins, snorkel, scuba bag and dive knife. The place I got certified at had an amazing special $100.00 for a set of gear, I went ahead and indulged. My mask was about $125.00 regular without the special. Invest in a good mask, that's why your down there in the first place right. It's so much better having your own gear. I had borrowed their gear initially just to get a feel for what I liked and didn't which is a good way to go too. I agree when they say don't blow your money on regulators,BC, etc. Personally I hated the split fins, I got some aquablades.
My biggest advice is to take as much time as you need to allow your ears to clear when going down. Unfortunately I was the person who took 10 minutes to equalize and had to catch up with the group later on, but it wasn't worth harming my ears. Also never hold your breath!! Also breathe regularly.
Why not get your own BC and regs? I like having my own set-ups. Been using the same Zeagle Ranger set-up since I got my first card. I hate going places without it or one of my other set-ups. Rental gear can be so hit and miss. Being at 100ft. with gear I don't really trust doesn't make me relax. I see rental gear every week that leaks or has worn out straps etc... I'm always following someone's bubbles.
I buy used gear as often as I can. When I still lived in the states E-Bay and CL were great for used dive gear.
I wouldn't run out and buy a computer. New people won't be doing any solo dives so someone else, the DM, will be doing your dive calc's for you and computers get better all the time. Plus like all tech stuff the price drops quickly. My first DC was a Cochran Nemesis which set me back nearly 2k. It went tits up after 700 dives or so and couldn't be repaired. I recently bought a Mares DC for under $200, other then not being air integrated it actually does more, like nitrox calcs.