Originally Posted by squeeeb
if you could kill someone and KNOW you could get away with it, would you?
i think i could get away with it. first off, i'd use a .22, because no one tracks .22 ammo, and two shots in the head, through the eye (Mossad execution style) will drop anyone. its small and doesn't make a too loud a noise.
i would drive a few towns away, to a town i've never been in. at night i'd go to someone's house.
maybe i'd wear a wig. maybe i'd muddy up the license plates to the car, just in case.
knock on the door. whoever answers gets two shots in the face, and i'm gone.
i would be gone before people knew what happened.
no motive. no evidence. they won't have a suspect because the person wouldn't know me and i wouldn't know them. a totally random killing. nothing stolen, just a dead body for no reason. the perfect murder.
so i'm pretty sure i could get away with it, fuck, i know i could. would i do it?
no. i just don't think i could kill someone, not even for a good reason, like if they were a child rapist.
and i don't believe you ever truly "get away with it." you might never be caught, but it will always be with you, and it will eat at you for the rest of your life. (i guess that is the difference between me and a crazy psycho killer like the talking heads sang about. we both have the thoughts, but i know it's wrong and i won't do it)
so, i don't think i could/would do it. (see blahblah454, i'm not a psychopathic criminal. at least not a murderer)
If you're assuming a muddied license plate, I guess you're assuming some kind of witness. A witness that will, if they can get your plate most likely will also get a make/model/color on your car. They'll also probably at least get your sex and skin color. If you drive a popular car, this can be a very long list, but that list has to be culled down to those also owning a .22. and Still probably a rather long list, but not as long as you might think.
You're also going to have to get all that mud off your plates, a tricky bit considering any trace could implicate you since 'muddied plate' is easier to remember than the actual number.
What about your neighbors, anyone around who might notice you missing? Say a second shifter just getting out?
Are you already in a fingerprint database? What about the tires on your car, the treads of your shoes, you're going to have to avoid mud with those things entirely.
I don't think it's as easy as you seem to think it is.