Originally Posted by dd3953
squeeeb, only people who have meet, talked with, and befriended, a black person (who did not fit into any of their negative stereotypes), would have to go out of their way to be racist. but there are, like Zeraph said, a lot of white people who are clueless. Either because they already racist and have no reason to 'befriend' a black people, or because they live in one of the many places that have no black people. And in the cases where there are no black people, they are stuck with nothing but the media and tales told to them by people who are there.
i see your point and i agree with most of what you posted. i still believe, in this day and age, you have to go out of your way to be racist. you gotta want it.
if you live in a place with lots of black people (any color, we'll just use black) you cannot tell me every one of them are walking around thug killa'd out, terrorizing the streets with their fancy boom boxes and huge gold grillz. there are plenty of everyday examples of regular good people. when i'm standing in line at the grocery store with one item, and the stereotypical fat black lady with the hair and fuzzy leopard print sandals standing in front of me with a cart full of stuff turns around and says "oh baby, you go ahead of me, i got all this stuff," i don't need to befriend her to know she is a cool person with a good heart.
if you live in a place with hardly any black people, there is still condoleeza rice, charles barkley, and neil degrasse tyson (twice i've mentioned him. i love that guy, he is so fucking cool), and a whole slew of others who are not doing anything to make you say "those damn black people are ruining our country with their gangster ways!"
many years ago my house was broken into by my neighbor, a young black man selling drugs, charged with rape about three times, had a drive by shooting at his house (he lived with his mom, dad, and younger brother). his dad wasn't all that trustworthy either. i hated him. yet, somehow, i'm still not racist. i don't blame every black person for that one motherfucker's actions.
tv may show negative stereotypes, but i think it shows an equal amount of positive stereotypes. cosby show. that show with erkle, food network has at least three black people cooking on thier own shows (last i watched, i don't' have tv anymore). the host of VH1 i love money is clearly an hilarious intelligent guy, not a negative image of a black person.
so, yeah, i still say you gotta go out of your way to be racist. i know there are people who are, i know some, but there is no reason to be other than you want to hate someone else.