Originally Posted by filtherton
The act of pointing out facts is not disingenuous. In fact, it's kind of the opposite of disingenuous.
I didn't say pointing out facts was disingenuous. I said that pointing out the fact that men can't get pregnant without also mentioning how women can't get pregnant in the absence of a man was disingenuous, as it attempts to make reference to the biological actuality which suits your argument while ignoring the biological actuality which doesn't suit your argument.
For a good example of how to be disingenuous, see your use of the phrase "purely elective reasons."
So... You're arguing against the meaning of the word "elective", which has an actual medical definition, that of which is an abortion not done to protect the mother's health, or are you taking offense to the word "purely", which is used to distinguish between an elective and therapeutic abortion? Tell me now so I'll know how to respond.
Okay, but if you're going to use statistics here, you at least have to acknowledge that no method of birth control (that actually involves p in v intercourse) is 100% effective. How many people live in the US? How many are sexually active? Use your clever statistical mind to determine for me how likely it is that someone could get knocked up despite their best efforts to fuck responsibly? If you had dug any deeper in that pdf you cited, you would have found that at least 50% of the women who had repeat abortions reported using contraception at the time of conception. Of the ones who weren't using contraception, only a fifth of them weren't using it out of ambivalence. You were saying something about being disingenuous?
Well, please show me where I claimed that any method of birth control was 100% effective? Please show me where I claimed that everyone who gets pregnant wasn't on birth control. In fact, please show me where I made reference to birth control
at all, because I'm obviously dumb and can't remember the things I wrote out. Go ahead. Tell me. Show me. Do something.
...But, see, you can't find such a claim because I never made such a claim to begin with. Everyone knows that birth control isn't 100% effective. Everyone. This is why I made no reference to birth control, because no one made any claims regarding the use or non-use of birth control. God, I hate straw men.
But, since you didn't seem to understand the first time, even though I know I've said this before on other threads on the same subject, I'll say it again. First and most importantly, sex exists as a means by which to propagate the species. Everything else takes the proverbial backseat to this fact. Pleasure is merely the mechanism by which nature "coerces" humans into engaging in sex more often. The more often one has sex, the greater the chance of pregnancy occurring. This is important since, unlike most species, humans do not have a specific mating seasons and are capable of becoming pregnant year-round in rapid succession. Of course, other species also have sex for pleasure, but they are incapable of becoming pregnant year round and in rapid succession, to my knowledge, and have specific mating seasons. We all like the pleasure and closeness involved in sex, but these are not the end all be all reasons for sex existing. Yes, we might like to fool ourselves into believe that we're somehow acting above nature, but we aren't. Much like anything else, we're bound to it.
But, anyway, the point being? Everyone knows that sex can result in pregnancy. Continuously engaging in an action of which you are unwilling to accept the consequences of (Pregnancy) is irresponsible. Extinguishing a human life because it conveniences you is irresponsible. Extinguishing a human life two, three, four, or five times because it conveniences you is
grossly irresponsible. If you don't want to become pregnant and can't accept taking care of a child, then you should either stick to oral or anal or give up sex all together. Killing another human simply because you want to be free of the, as most people today would call it, "burden" of caring for it is the epitome of irresponsibility. Personal responsibility seems to be a thing of the past.
This has nothing to do with "PC".
It has everything to do with the often repeated PC position. Obviously, abortion can't be that hard of a decision if there are 1.2M+ of them per year with hundreds of thousands of them being repeat abortions.