Originally Posted by Infinite_Loser
1.) Pointing out that men can't get pregnant is pretty disingenuous unless you're also going to point out that a woman can't impregnate herself nor is she a shark nor the Virgin Mary.
The act of pointing out facts is not disingenuous. In fact, it's kind of the opposite of disingenuous.
2.) 93%, approximately, of abortions are done for purely elective reasons (That is, unrelated to health concerns or fetal defects).
For a good example of how to be disingenuous, see your use of the phrase "purely elective reasons."
3.) 47% of abortions done yearly are repeat abortions. Broken down, 29% of abortions performed per year are done on those women who had one prior abortion; 11.8% on women who had two abortions prior; and 7.3% on those women who had three or more prior abortions. Or, stated another way, given 1.2M abortions in 2008 (Approximately), 348,000 abortions were performed on women who had one prior; 141,600 on women who had two prior; and 87,600 on women who had three or more prior. If that doesn't scream "Irresponsibility", I don't know what does.
Okay, but if you're going to use statistics here, you at least have to acknowledge that no method of birth control (that actually involves p in v intercourse) is 100% effective. How many people live in the US? How many are sexually active? Use your clever statistical mind to determine for me how likely it is that someone could get knocked up
despite their best efforts to fuck responsibly? If you had dug any deeper in that pdf you cited, you would have found that at least 50% of the women who had repeat abortions reported using contraception at the time of conception. Of the ones who weren't using contraception, only a fifth of them weren't using it out of ambivalence. You were saying something about being disingenuous?
This is where the whole PC rhetoric falls apart. They laugh at the notion of women taking abortion lightly, yet ignore the very statistics which show that the opposite is true.
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This has nothing to do with "PC".