Originally Posted by Xerxys
Now I think your just overdoing it Martian. You want to save $4.00 monthly? On phone service? Well, I guess that's cool to penny pinch but I really doubt it's at all significant. I pay $10 monthly for unlimited text messaging. My sister pays $15 fot T-mobile and she avareges 2500 texts monthly. I'm not sure what the difference is in Canada and USA but I'm of the mindset they're quite similar.
Originally Posted by Martian
It's a cost/benefit thing. I begrudgingly pay the price for the cell phone, even though I think it's excessive, because I'm not willing to do without. Text messaging I can live just fine without, and so I'm getting rid of it.
It's less about the cost ($3 actually, if you're curious) and more about the principle of it. I have no problem paying a reasonable fee for a service I use. My objection to text messaging is twofold:
1) A 1500% markup on a service is not reasonable in any way, shape or form, and
2) I do not use it, and therefore do not believe I should have to pay for it.
I was unaware until today that I had the option of disabling the feature, and am quite happy to have learned this. I wonder how many other customers there are out there who are similarly unaware of that capability? How many of them are going to end up paying for a feature they don't want or need?
If you're curious, I have sent a grand total of 7 text messages since I signed on with my current carrier in March of this year. Had I signed on for a text messaging plan, I would've paid $12 for those 7 text messages, or $1.71 per message. Each was sent as a response to one I received, and was done solely out of convenience; in each of those cases I chose the immediate option rather than taking the trouble to respond in an alternate manner. I'm as guilty of the occasional bit of sloth as the next man.
By contrast, I have received a great deal more than 7 text messages since receiving the phone; I'm unsure of the exact number, but there are 19 of them in my inbox right now and I delete them regularly. None of them were critical and in each case alternate methods of communication existed, yet my twentysomething friends have embraced the medium. As long as I wasn't paying for them I didn't particularly care, but as soon as it starts costing me money I start raising objections.
$3 may not seem like a lot of money, but then again there's the old maxim: take care of the pennies and the dollars take care of themselves. I'll happily fork out $3 for something that's useful to me. I will not give my phone company $3 for something I didn't ask for, don't want and will rarely if ever use, and quite frankly I'd question the intelligence of someone who would.