Now I think your just overdoing it Martian. You want to save $4.00 monthly? On phone service? Well, I guess that's cool to penny pinch but I really doubt it's at all significant. I pay $10 monthly for unlimited text messaging. My sister pays $15 fot T-mobile and she avareges 2500 texts monthly. I'm not sure what the difference is in Canada and USA but I'm of the mindset they're quite similar.
In the US, Sprint is by far the best service there is out there. I'm not advertising, I have AT&T and I'm quite happy with them. But not only does Sprint have service almost everywhere, they offer the cheapest cellular services compared to other networks. Plus before GSM phones introduced 4G, CDMA was the way to go.
My advice for folk in the US, get on craigslist, get a stupid beat up phone. Call up company, start service with no contract. They will bow to your every whim! Just make sure you have insurance on the device. Why stupid beat up phone ... well, because YOU DO NOT BUY NEW PHONES!!! Cell phones are the worst electronics to sink more than $20 on them. Think about it, you go everywhere with it ... the wear and tear is monstrous. It's not like a DVD player that sits at home.
Smart phones are for people who actually have connectivity needs during their days. The avarege joe does not need internet on the go and half the newer cheaper phones can actually support google maps, (I can't think of another reason for internet on your cell phone).
cybermike, Priceplans do exist for your every need and tailoring purposes. I have a philosophy, If your stupid enough to call tech support you deserve to be ripped off. Using the same double edged sword, as long as you call the people and speak to the right person you will get a price plan for your needs for your price.