Well I was going to say Cash's Hurt, but that was solidly covered by the OP.
So I'll go with Alien Ant Farm's "Smooth Criminal":
I think MJ did some great songs, but Smooth Criminal was always really flat. His voice was uncharacteristically wispy and flat, and there was almost no bass/environmental affect to the obviously snythesized main line. AAF backed it up with some solid guitar and and a little bit more depth of voice in the lyrics.
It's worth nothing that AAF did almost nothing good after or before this cover, though.

---------- Post added at 01:30 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:27 PM ----------
Originally Posted by Zodijackyl
In Flames' cover of Genesis' "Land of Confusion". The song is well written, but In Flames brought a different degree and type of intensity to the song, I think the style fits the song much better than the original.
I actually like Disturbed's version a lot better, for the same 'intensity' without the screaming and thrashing of a guitar that I dislike about most heavy metal.