Originally Posted by Xerxys
Yes, they should be able to carry it, give birth and walk away, except without the la, la, la part. You think I'm being flippant? You think I haven't taken into consideration situations such as those outlined by Hyacinthe? These are legit but they happen to very few people and yes, I am willing to make an exception for them but as for aborting a child simply out of "anxiety" and "fear" ... when the child was initially conceived out of the 80% norm ... is there a more extreme word for inconsiderate? Incredibly negligent selfishness?
But alas, it is just an opinion and to you it's narrow minded so I have nothing left to say on the subject.
Oh yes, there are much more extreme words for inconsiderate. Monstrous, diabolical, loathsome, inhuman, for example. These are words that I am willing to apply to human beings - just not to women like myself or the millions of other women have made the choice to have an abortion. I do not accept that it is necessarily negligent. Selfish? Perhaps on some level, but in the scheme of all selfish things known to mankind, not intolerably so. Very often these decisions are not made only for the benefit of the mother. Has that occurred to you? This is an example of where my opinion that your views are narrow minded comes from. You don't seem to consider the role of the woman in any sort of universal sense. It's all cut and dry, right and wrong for you. It's just not like that.