Originally Posted by uncle phil
in the game...
in that case, NO. Believe it or not, I was actually going to go to Treasure Island located in the Delaware River south of the Water Gap, mainly because Shell's comment about being kept up all night at the Boy Scout camp reminded me of being there...it's a local Scout Camp property in the middle of the Delaware River and I have fond memories of being there. One being that I was singled out (unfairly I might add!) with a buddy, for starting a food fight in the cafeteria and they said I had to go home
This was on the second day of a two week camp! So my buddy and I snuck out of camp and hit in the woods for two days, they sent out search parties, including senior scouts and our Marine drill instructor scout master, but nobody could find us. At one point I was up in a tree with my clothes stuffed with "camouflage" branches and weeds and a search party stopped under my tree to discuss where to look for me next...ahhh, I was so cool! But eventually we got too hungry and gave up and they sent me home with no refund
But this led to a very happy and successful Boy Scout career for me over the next few years, so all's well that ends well.
Originally Posted by uncle phil
...i'll presume that ivyland is your workplace...
yes, the small company I work for has our office and factory in Ivyland, just around the corner from Tony's Place Bar & Grill, where I will be having lunch later today. You are all invited, lunch and drinks are on me.
PS: so where am I?