Originally Posted by Jetée
I thought you were on an Oregon island before the Great Lakes or Gulf of Mexico guesses, but I know my two guesses more intimately than any single Oregon island (of which I know none), so I was hoping my intuition was wrong on that one.
Well, as I'm trying out in another thread, I will try an alphabet-oriented guess:
Are you on an island named in between A-M? (e.g. Black Rock, Grassy Island, Mack Arch)
(Oh, man I just realized there's over 300 islands associated with Oregon)...
From my other post-
No, not in the Gulf.
Here's a hint, the water surrounding me is not salty.
So it could have been a Californian island, just not one in the Pacific or off the coast. My guess is , like Oregon, California has 100's of islands in lakes and rivers, streams, reservoirs and ponds.
And no- not between A-M
And no not Jantzen Island in Lake Oswego. I have water skied near Jantzen Island. The island I'm on I've camped on several times.