Internet Addiction
I'm posting from my iPhone in a hotel room in Reno, NV right now. Can someone post a link to the xkcd comic on addiction? I can't copy/paste. Anyways, I am about to disappear into the wilderness, AKA Ravendale, CA, for 4 days to see my sister get married and I don't know if I will be able to get on the Internet during that time at all. I am a connected person; my life revolves around the Internet. It is my livelihood and my career. Now I am being asked to shut it down for several days and I don't think I can. I will probably drive to the nearest large town at least once a day to hook up to the net. I will probably die if I don't get Edge reception. I can't be the only one this desperate! I need to hear other tales of Internet addiction to feel better.
To compensate for my lack of connectivity, I have been using my phone constantly, checking emails like mad, even though I don't get new ones too often. I am going crazy! The funny part is that if I was at home right now, I'd probably be avoiding the computer.