Originally Posted by Deltona Couple
Actually, yes, my ex really did want the abortion. I told her that if she went through with it, that I would divorce her and sue her for custody of all our children. So she gave in. I tried for days to just talk her out of it and she didn't budge, so I did the only thing I could think of. So her "decision" was forced, not hers alone. I was not about to lose one of my children that way.
While you may feel that the final decision lays with the woman, I am sorry, but I must respectfully disagree with you and say that your belief is wrong. But then again, it is your belief. And I take SERIOUS offense to the last sentence. Nuff said.
The fact you had to resort to the 'relationship-nuclear option' to 'force' her into having the baby kinda proves my point.
SHE DECIDED have the baby and not get divorced at that time, right?
When you're wrong, you're wrong.
It is, always, in the end, THE WOMAN'S CHOICE.
(As an aside... Wow... That level of emotional blackmail inside of a relationship simply boggles the mind.)