there's a reason they call it a "practice." they're practicing. there's still a million things they don't understand about our physiology, especially when it comes to our noggins. add to that the twisted pressure to make money from health care and the narrow focus of specialists, and you're bound for some trouble. you can already guess that if you go to a surgeon, they will reccomend surgery. on top of that, a lot of times they'l run you through painful and both physically and financially draining programs "just in case".
much like finding a good mechanic for your car, you have to find a good doctor. don't be afraid to keep movin on till you're really happy with some real results. also, try out some eastern stuff if you can find it... they've been using those accupressure and herbal methods a LOT longer than we've had doctors.
-my phobia drowned while i was gettin down.