Originally Posted by Punk.of.Ages
When will we be there?
Originally Posted by God of Thunder
Can I push the blue button?
Originally Posted by -deathboy-
might i enquire oh wise one, how it came to pass, that in such a vast panorama of consonants and vowels there would be not a mate to rhyme, ironically, with poetry?
What has been long forgotten by much of humankind was the single condition of poetry's creation: there is a single word that exists in human language that rhymes with
poetry. However, its utterance would be the undoing of that which we hold in high esteem as a playful and profound use of words—that being poetry. A mere whisper of this word would make vanish all poetry ever created, from the lofty heights of Homer and Ovid, generated so many centuries ago, down to the bitter lows of our angst-ridden, teenage, goth-kid daughters, that which is being written as we breathe.
No, brave -deathboy-, we mustn't think of this loathsome word. It is the right of every poet who exists, and had been the right of each who has lived, to rhyme with a universe of words...save one. And so we must let it be. And so it is. We may substitute, as so many crafty poets do, with
poesie, so we may rhyme it with
posie, but
poetry must be kept safe. Poetry makes use of rhyme, but
poetry may not be made a rhyme.