Originally Posted by Tully Mars
I do wish several of my friends would stop with the "Have you met _________? She's really nice and really single." Why do other people assume you need an SO if you're single? Why do they feel it's their mission in life to find you someone? I will never understand people who do this.
I think people only want to hook up the people who don't want to be hooked up. Those of us who want to be hooked up, never get the chance.
Single since 2005ish. Don't enjoy it at all, wish I was dating someone, but the gods have other ideas for me. That and I have huge self-esteem issues. I think I am the sexiest man on the planet, but the mirror never lies.
Went two years without getting laid and then partied, drank, slipped and fell into the vagoo of my best friend's ex. Fun while it lasted and then shit blew-up.
Brodie: "That was the biggest load of crap I've ever heard. I mean, look at you. You're the kind of guy who would beg for sex. And I should know, we can smell our own."
This thread made me think of my favorite mallrats quote. No, I'm not making fun of anyone, I can smell them too. Hell, I'd like to be able to talk to any woman I've had sex with that doesn't have a conversation ending with them storming off or yelling about "Where I tried to stick it".