*added the image here for you*
ok that character looks like it was just brushed on.. try doing this for a cast shadow effect..
1.open the character in a new file
2. remove the background
3. Duplicate the layer (Ctrl+j)
4. Set foreground color to black
5. fill the new layer (Ctrl+Shift+Delete)
6. add gaussian blur.. about 5 should work
7. Free transform the shape and distort it how you want it
8. duplicate the shadow layer
9. apply another gaussian blur.. 5-10 amount
10. select top shadow layer and add a layer mask
11. use the gradient tool (black and white, linear) and drag the mask from right to left
12. set shadow to multiply mode
13. set top shadow opac. to about 50%
14. set bottom shadow opac to about 30%
15. play with settings to find best look
.. the reason you are doing the gradient mask is to blend the two shadows together and give the appearance that the shadow disappears the further the image is away from the perspective..