Originally posted by Mojo_PeiPei
Isn't redistricting a natural part of the game (It happens like every 10 years)? Fucking baby ass Democrats.
You redistrict every 10 years after the census to keep up with the movement of people, not to just gain seats.
We just went over this in my Govt class. Let me recap
Every ten years, the lines are redrawn to divide the districts into equal parts by population. But when this happens, who ever is in power, tries to get a small majority in many districts and a few districts that are nearly all the opposition, in effect they gain many seats with this small majorities, while they lose a few to a near majority.
The problem with what is going on is its only 3 years since the last census; there is no new info about people movements, so there is no reason to redraw the lines,
It’s a cheep move to gain more power; it does not show what the state really wants done. just what the party in power wants to do.
And before you say, they are in power so that is what the state wants, they may get into power and do a bad job, looking that they may be voted out, they use polls to redraw the lines so that they have a majority that supports them even though the majority of the people no longer support them.