Originally Posted by fiatguy85
While a router is the most common thing around, wouldn't the cheapest and easiest be just a simple wired switch? You just have all of the devices plugged in to a port and a single port out to the modem. Example
Well, he did say his mother's lappie would be wireless, so a wired switch won't work.
Also, depending on his modem, he may not be able to share the connection with a switch - this is exactly what a router is designed to do. A switch usually doesn't assign IP addresses - it is just a fancy multiway cable really.
Put me down as another vote for a linksys router. I have a wireless WRT-54G (that I've had for about 6 years) and really hasn't missed a beat.
BTW - I have a netgear 8 port switch as well - the router is in the house and is hard wired into my office, where the switch lives.