I disagree...I moved into a rather unfortunate situation. My roommate has this cat that has decided it will cry outside my door whenever it wants to go outside or vice versa and cry outside the windows until someone lets it in. Usually this doesn't bother me but last night at 2am I was trying to go to sleep and the damn cat decided it was just going to sit outside the window and cry. I open the window and it won't come in. Just sits.
I have class at 8am so needless to say I'm up at 7am. My roommate said if I just left my door open at night AND the window it wouldn't be an issue. However it's my room that I pay rent for and her cat. I should not have to cater to her cat! Right? I totally agree with you on the window thing as well, I told her I didn't want to leave my window open because it's at the front of the house which faces a rather busy downtown street...thus a security issue. (also she mentioned in the past the cat had a bad habbit of bringing in "presets" and hiding them around the house, that must be a fun suprise!)I'd much rather deal with cat crap in a box (which is also located in my bathroom) then the stupid cat crying at 2am to be let in and then clawing at my door at 6am to be let out. That shit is not gonna fly. Tempted to just drive the cat to the other side of the city and let it find a new home..
Curious to see how this turns out. How do you make a cat stop crying/bugging you in your area of the house? Usually I ignore it..which is probably what's just going to have to keep happening until she gets the idea. I've also considered putting sticky tape on the outside of my windows...I hear cats don't like it...
Last edited by surferlove007; 06-15-2009 at 07:22 AM..