Should citizens who pay more taxes get better benefits?
Maybe I've asked this before (I couldn't find it), but I've been thinking about this for a while now.
I know I posted something like this on the health care debate where I think people who pay over a certain amount in taxes will be better, faster, and more personalized care compared to someone who doesn't have any money currently to pay the taxes.
There would be an incentive to get into the higher tax bracket, but still everyone would be covered and the hospitals wouldn't need to charge normal people extra to cover for people going bankrupt, illegal immigrants expenses (bigger thing in the southwest), and people having huge medical debt for years and years.
The same thing could be applied to roads where they wouldn't need to pay for tolls and would be able to use HOV lanes anytime.
National parks and campgrounds should be free for them (for a few days). And a few other 'public' benefits that most of our country has to pay for would be free if they pay enough in taxes.
Do you think it would work? Is it fair? Would it not be enough of an incentive?