Originally Posted by Halanna
Umm. No. I was never a jungle gym. Maybe she needs to understand how to separate herself from her children. Maybe this is an excuse. Hopefully not.
Very snuggly? What does that mean to you? Because the way you type it, to me it means very needy. It sounds like they feel there is no other comfort/protection/safety/ than Mom's arms. Mom is finding as much security in her childrens arms as they are finding in hers. She's hiding behind that.
It's hard for a women to find her place between Mother and Wife. When you have no other choices, it's a tough place to be.
Am I Wife?
Am I a Mother?
Am I a Protector?
Am I a Sex Kitten?
Being a stay at home Mom is hard. It is not as hard as a women who leaves their child in other's care so they can work.
Are you asking my opinion as a stay at home Mom? "Touched Out" sounds like a plea for needs that are not being met.
If she won't let you touch her because the "kids" are touching her all day you have huge problems that can't be solved by this board.
Your Wife is having issues with her body. She thinks you no longer see her as sexual, only maternal. Show her what you feel. Show her that you see her as an equal.
Let her know that she still turns you on.
I'm reading much deeper problems here.
Just curious, how many kids do you have?