Your AGP1.0 board might not have enough voltage running through the AGP bus to support the card properly. Even though it has a hook up directly to the powersupply, the card still depends on power from the slot itself. my suggestion is to shelf this card until you upgrade your entire system and go out and buy a geforce2/3 or equiv, thats more around the time the system that was built. Just trying to be truthful here, but you may never get that newer hardware to work with your older board. Ive had alot of situations alot like this, most likely, there is nothing wrong with your video card. When you have a 9700, or a 9500 for that matter, the bottleneck in playing games and doing anything video related, is going to be that board and chip.
Do make sure to check for driver conflicts as Vanquish said. I have the same sapphire card btw. They make teriffic products and my card softmodded with W1zzards cracked drivers to produce a 9700.
"Sell Crazy Somewhere Else, We're All Stocked Up Here," Jack Nicholson - As Good As It Gets