I'm coming off the pill as soon as the tubal is completed.
Mine have gotten progressively worse as I've gotten older no matter what pill I take.
I'm done. All of the above symptoms, alternating the not wanting to eat with eating large amounts of weird stuff, stomach issues, intermittent rages and desire to kill people, 5 - 6 lbs of weight gain two days before I start... and only lose 4 -5 by the end of each cycle, acne/backne, hair on my chin (talk about a freakout, hello, depo... goodbye depo), sleepiness and insomnia....
I'm getting the tubal because I don't want kids.
I'm coming off the pill because I'd rather treat the symptoms separately and see how my body reacts to my natural cycle. Mine is a miserable cycle on the pill and I'm sick of it.