Sometimes, but not all the time.
Sometimes I feel anger building up inside of me so muchthat my fists burn with violent fizzing pins and needles, my shoulders and jaw clench and feel knotted and like I want to explode. And like you just visualize the feeling of grabbing a pint glass and the exact angle you'd bring it crashing down on the cunts head, then sing it into his face and put him down... it feels like a balance in your mind and in those seconds its starts to tilt towards madness and wildness... and then I guess if you are sane you calm down again.
I dont evaluate fighting every man I ever see but in situations of stress its different.
I do know I have issues with control of my temper that I need to deal with. A few works ago I hurled a half full (plastic) bottle of coke at a transit van because he drove over the pedestrian crossing while I was trying to cross. I have so much frustration in my life and I bottle it all up and sometimes its hard to stop it all just overflowing.
"Do not tell lies, and do not do what you hate,
for all things are plain in the sight of Heaven. For nothing
hidden will not become manifest, and nothing covered will remain
without being uncovered."
The Gospel of Thomas