Originally Posted by squeeeb
im 40.
yes i can.
*eyes squeeb's pants*
Originally Posted by LoganSnake
Single as of 2 hours ago.
3 years, 4 months.
I feel like shit.
I'm sorry. I feel your misery.
Originally Posted by little_tippler
I have been mostly single for a few years now, and though I miss the companionship, I am fiercely independent and like things my own way. I'm not sure I will ever be able to be in a long-term committed relationship again. I want to have kids some day. That is my only hesitation. My last long-term stint ended badly and sometimes I still feel the bitterness even though I'd never take him back. Well, it doesn't help that he married the rebound girl. But I'm pretty sure I still got the better deal.
This makes me sad for you. You could be preventing yourself from being happIER.