Originally posted by Daval
The absolute best thing that can be smoked is Eel. It may look wierd, but it is freaking soooo good. It tastes nothing like fish.
Salt it overnight first (a handful of coarse or kosher salt in a pail of water) and smoke it whole.
I've had smoked eel before and I agree that it's great. Where did you get the eel Deval?
I usually smoke salmon, but I've done trout, oysters, halibut, and some bacon sides.
I'd like to try doing some cheese.
I have a Big Chief front load that I paid $120 CAD. I used to use a wood box with a hotplate and old oven racks and it worked fine. Make sure you pick the right kind of wood chips for the type of food you're smoking.
I won’t even get into the different brine recipes and how much smoke to use