The problem is that you're assuming Mir Hossein Mousavi is anti-West when there's no real evidence to suggest this. If you make that assumption, sure, the whole election seems like a joke: either vote for the anti-western conservative or the anti-western slightly less conservative. But that's not the case, or I should say that's not his platform. Basically everything Mousavi has said about foreign policy is that he wants to end the policies of isolationism and antagonism.
I get that he was a radical back in the 80s, but he had to be. His nation was essentially nudged into a war with Iraq by the West. It's been 20 years, though. He's been out of politics and the entire chess board has changed. America has a moderate leader that isn't the same kind of threat to his country as Reagan, Bush1, or Bush2. Iran itself is going through serious changes as the younger, more progressive generation is starting to assert it's power. Isolationism and irresponsible governance is leading Iran down a dangerous road.
I don't buy that a person can't adapt to new situations, though. Iran required a hard-liner in 1988 and requires a moderate in 2009.