What inspires you?
What makes you jump on your feet, get antsy, or need to produce something? What makes you want to be a better man/woman?
There is so little in life that truly kills me but there are a couple:
Musical Theatre: a truly stellar mixture of music and action can capture the potential of both mediums and let loose on you. The moment I knew I wanted to be an actor, I was watching a friend perform as Cassie in A Chorus Line. The power, the grace, the expression; i was enamored. I knew that moment I was going to spend the rest of my life attempting that. To this day, when I see a great show, I walk out with my brain flying at a hundred miles an hour; I am firing on all cylinders.
Straight Theatre: see above, subtract music, and add the beauty of dialogue and chemistry. There is something incendiary about a lack of exposition, and you sitting in the audience saying "yes, yes, I'm there with you; I am yours, take me where ever you want to go". There is so little in life that incites that kind of response for me.
Dance: my exceptionally effeminate list continues with dance. Contemporary is usually the only vehicle that turns me on. There is something raw about it that really makes me feel.
Film: Sometimes, when I see a great film, I can't do anything but write. I saw the butterfly effect, not a cinematic feat by any means, and something turned on; I left the theatre, went to the dollar store and bought a pen and notebook, went to starbucks, and wrote for a few hours. It was the first time I needed something like that. But when I was a kid film always played a huge part in my life; I used to emulate everything from romance to action.
Athletics/Football: there is something about the combination of excessive skill, rhythm, strength, and endurance that makes me want to be a better man. I remember when, I think it was 2004, Brett Favre's father died; his coach, his hero, his leader. He played the most incredible game of his life. I'll never forget it. There is something about athletics that equates character.
Women: Women inspire me to be a better man. Not because I want in their pants (sometimes) or because I want to possess (sometimes). I am a romantic. Which is surprising because most people would tell you I'm a logical, experimental, original, obnoxious, etc kind of guy. But when it happens - it can be a conversation, or a look, or a touch, or them walking into the room - that fades away and I am committed to my Hughsian roots. I don't think I'll ever outgrow my need to be John Cussack circa Say Anything (see above: film) and I'm happy about that. I want someone to bring out a forgotten side of me.
Let's share, shall we?
EX: Whats new?
ME: I officially love coffee more then you now.
EX: uh...
ME: So, not much.