Originally Posted by Shell

...thank you for the slap on the hand...i wasn't aware that there was a chain-of-command for accepting PMs so i will leave that up to the moderators from now on. I did read the outlined procedures when i first came on board (still rather new here) but i didn't interpret it as all-exclusive for moderators only. Since i was the one that started the thread, "Scent of a Woman", i feel a bit of responsibility for it and was just offering a listening ear for wyodiver as a friendly gesture. It won't happen again... 
What you took from my statement was not at all what I meant by it.
What I meant was that we've been doing this for a while now, and I was affirming that there is some space for men to participate in the LL, if the ladies are willing to let them into the sandbox. As far as I'm concerned, all ladies are in some capacity gatekeepers to said sandbox, especially if the thread in question is one they've created. You're more than welcome to include Wyodiver's contributions if you think they're relevant to your OP and the purpose of your thread.
For the record, I am not a moderator. I've just been here a really long time. So what I say could be completely irrelevant; they're really just my observations.

And Shell, I appreciate your contributions to the board, especially the Ladies Lounge. We can always use more voices in that space and elsewhere on the TFP.