How exactly does the silencer attach to the anus?
Butt seriously, it's a toilet, not a nice-nice. It's why people go there. Don't hold a meeting. Don't sing. Shit and leave.
Also, wash your hands or you will AIDS and swine flu.
The face-conscious have started masking their sounds digitally instead of with water flushes to save water.
White noise in bathrooms -- what a concept! As I was sitting in a stall at the Hiroshima Peace Museum, too depressed and traumatized to even think about pooping, I noticed a strange little box on the wall of the stall, like a small intercom. I pressed the button, and lo and behold, a noise of rushing water emanated from the little speaker and lasted several seconds. So civilized, these Japanese. According to the DK guide, there are even some panels which play a merry little tune "to discreetly mask natural noises." Every American bathroom should have one of these, especially at work.