Originally Posted by jewels
It's so easy to say "what about the father", but how many teenage single fathers do you know? How many adult single men do you know that have custody of a child, other than after a divorce? We all know about the babies of single mothers who end up neglected because she struggles to earn a living while he takes off, shirking the parental rights he claimed.
Maybe when we start to see more men step up to the plate, things will change, but at this point I'm not seeing it. Equality ain't always 50/50.
Jewels this argument is horribly unfair, sorry but it really is
it is MUCH MUCH MUCH harder for the father of a child to gain single parent custody then the mother, even then the likelihood that he will receive ANY form of financial support from the government or the childs mother is pretty much nil.
Until the laws and attitudes of judges change from automatically awarding the children to the mother rather then the father (except in cases of extreme abuse) then we can't blame men for not being allowed to raise their own children.
And in the case of guys running off when finding out their female partner is pregnant how many female friends do girls loose when that happens - usually over 50% from what I have seen, that's simply becaue suddenly their friend can't go out drinking or shopping or stay up all night. Admittedly there is not the moral obligation that I believe comes with father / mother hood but I'm betting a large number of teenage girls would run away from a pregnant partner if the situation was reversed.
Oh and btw I actually know more single fathers then mothers and these specific individuals are generally much more concerned about the well being of their children then the single mothers I know (won't smoke / drink in front of the kids when the mothers do). Yet they still receive more visits from childrens services for 'check up' visits then the single women.