On Thursday, after two days of museum volunteering and herding 5th grade kids, one of the teachers had an after-party for museum staff. I sat across the hammock, slid my torso into position, and kicked my legs up.
Evidently, the hammock was either sadistic or didn't like that very much. I didn't so much fall as the hammock flipped over with gusto and threw me at the ground. My back hit the support bar, and at that moment, I got a beer and kept my distance from the trampoline.
Just in case.
Originally Posted by MSD
A combination of a wood floor, open door, pouring rain, half a dozen beers, more carbombs and Jager bombs than I care to remember, a few shots of grain, and bare feet. Slipped, put my entire weight into a doorframe by way of my ankle. That was January of last year and it still hurts.
FYI, this still hurts from Jan. 2007
Originally Posted by spinelust

Last summer, right before this picture was taken.
You seem to be in pretty good condition, no visible dirt and still smiling.