Who Controls the Discussion?
I was watching the video of recently released innocent Guantanamo detainee Lakhdar Boumediene this morning and I kept coming back to one thought: why the hell does everyone think that Guantanamo is full of terrorists? At what point did that debate happen, because I don't remember it. The last I heard—the last anyone heard, these were people were collected from Iraq, Afghanistan, and all over the world and were not tried for anything at all. They are detainees because they are being detained. If they were tired and convicted, they'd be convicts. And then we find out that these people that have not been tried are being tortured (not just waterboarding, but repeated beatings, genital mutilation, rape, sexual assault, etc.). And then we find out that Guantanamo is being closed, huzzah! Now everyone is saying that we shouldn't let the terrorists go? People don't want "terrorists" on American soil?! They're not convicted terrorists, you numb-skulls!
Every single person that vote for the Military Commissions Act of 2006 (every Republican senator with the exception of Lincoln Chafee and Democrats Jay Rockefeller, Ken Salazar, Tom Carper, Mark Pryor, Tim Johnson, Bob Menendez, Frank Lautenberg, Ben and Bill Nelson, Debbie Stabenow, and of course Joe Lieberman) assumed that the people detained were guilty even though none of them were tried. Have we all gone stupid? Do people not comprehend why the right of habeas corpus is necessary?
We have hundreds, perhaps thousands of Lakhdar Boumedienes being detained across the world right now. We have innocent people that have been detained for years, tortured repeatedly, and the only public concern seems to be about allowing these detainees to be held in maximum security prisons on US soil.
Why are so many people skipping the part where all of these men, women, and children are innocent until proven guilty? Why are people throwing habeas corpus out the window and assuming guilt? Are the stupid people controlling the national discussion or are the corrupt people controlling the national discussion?