I've had trouble in the past with a particular girl who bragged about her oral skills to anyone who'd listen--she even put two fingers down her own throat, in a bar. It was impressive. But it had been a while since she'd sucked any actual cock. I was her first in like seven or eight years... and it was WAY lousy. She held her mouth really OPEN. All I could feel was lips, and nothing else was actually touching me. It makes sense--evidently the old boyfriend was substantially larger than average. Anyway, she'd lip me for a little while, and when that was obviously not working, I'd put her on her back and finish between her (very impressive) boobs.
My problem was, I hated to burst her bubble about her so-called skills. So I pretended she was doing fine, rather than just saying: Girl! Dammit! Use your tongue!! It went on like that for several months.
Eventually I took her finger and demonstrated what I was after, and things improved substantially.
Moral of the story? Say what you freaking want. She doesn't want to have it not work. She wants to have it work! I think guys know that every girl is different and you have to learn what works for this particular one you're with right now. Girls seem to think every guy wants things done exactly the same way, and it's just not true.