Employment Situation Summary
There are the 'official' numbers for reference.
We have 155 million in the labor force in this country they say (up 1 million from March). But, employment tracking is difficult. Do you count the retired people as un-employed? What is they work a few hours at a 'fun' job to keep themselves busy? Do stay-at-home parents count as un-employed, what if they are starting their own small business? How about drug dealers, escorts/prostitutes, and other 'under-the table' jobs? How about illegal immigrants, are their numbers showing up? What about people who don't want to work? Maybe they won the lottery, sold their successful business, or just live a simple life and don't need to buy much.
I'm not sure I was counted as un-employed for the 11 months I wasn't working after college, even though I should have been. But, if you count everyone, it would be 155 mil/305 mil = 50.8% unemployed (kids, elderly included)
There needs to be more choices besides just employed and unemployed. Maybe we should add, under-employed, temporary-employed, non-employed (for those that don't need or want to work), retired-employed, and black-market-employed.