Cranberry Banana Bread
Recipe I got from a friend of mine;
He said I could look it up on Flickr, but I couldn't find it, so
he gave just me the basic list and directions for preparal.
What you'll need:
dry ingredients:
1 cup flour
1 cup whole-wheat flour
1 cup sugar
1.5 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon salt
wet ingredients:
1 stick of butter, melted
2 eggs
4 ripe or over-ripe bananas
1 cup fresh cranberries
-(as a substitute, chopped nuts or raisins will also work well)
Mix dry ingredients. add wet ingredients and mix again. gently fold in any add-in type stuff - berries, nuts, etc.
Pour into a 9x5 breadpan and bake for an hour-and-a-half minutes at 325 degrees, until a knife inserted into the loaf slides out cleanly.
Take it out of the oven once finished, then cool the pan sideways for about 10 minutes.
After cooling period, remove the pan, and then serve bread, preferably with tea and/or coffee.
EDIT: He just e-mailed me his page on flickr, so for those of you who
want to know what your final result will look like, you can
hit the link and see the delectable treat for yourselves.
Here you go:
recipe: banana-cranberry bread - _MG_6313 on Flickr - Photo Sharing!