Originally Posted by Xerxys
MM, I wasn't comparing Nickelback to Run DMC. I don't think that's possible. I singled out Run DMC because I felt that was the most favorable of the rap artists there are out there because their material is/was bearable. I could easily have picked any of the rap artists I can think of the top of my head such as 50 Cent or Eminem of whom I equally hate.
What you fail to understand is that just as Nickelback really aren't a hard rock act, 50 Cent and Eminem aren't rappers - they're all pop acts and this is evidenced not only by the demographics that they're marketed to but also by the extent to which their music has been watered down from the styles in which they're derived.
I don't understand why rap is typically considered - especially around here - to be the default shitty genre but short of RUN-DMC, you aren't even talking about it.
Originally Posted by guccilvr
Run DMC was good.. until they got with Aerosmith.
I don't put DMC in the Rap genre either. They were more hiphop to me. There is a very (and I mean it) VERY large difference between Rap and Hip Hop.
anyone who disagrees should watch the documentary Scratch.
I haven't seen the documentary but I've always understood hip-hop to encompass it all - rappers, DJs, break dancers and graffiti artists. From there I don't bother to divide rap into anything but pre and post golden age.
And as for Nickelback, who gives a shit, really.