I can certainly see where this would bother you, I know it would bother me, what with thinking I am headed down the same path as older relatives you are observing slowly going off the deep end. But, I honestly think, just the fact of you being aware of it, and not wanting to take on those traits, makes you a perfect candidate for avoiding it.
You didn't really say if the conditions you said your aunt and grandmother and also your mother had were medically diagnosed, or if it is just the way they seem to act when they get older. To me, when someone "snaps" , there is usually a reason that they snapped, yet you say they start slowly acting this way? Did you ask your mother , since she seems to be the one who is acting the least odd, if she has had fits of depression or getting angry for no apparent reason? And ask her if it was something new, that just seemed to start when she was aging?
Mental illness, to me, (and I know I probably do not know what I am talking about, but have a right to my opinion) is all a state of mind , and it is misdiagnosed so many times as to the cause of it. no one can get inside your mind and truly know what you are feeling or why you are behaving a certain way. Oh they can go by statistics and label you this or that, because you are acting a certain way, and that seems to be what they think you have, but every one is different.
I'm getting up there in years, and I have often had a fear of losing some of my mental faculties, I think we all do. and I have experienced what you have said you did. Because basically I am a very easy going happy person all of the time, so when , like you said, get out of the shower, and for no apparent reason, all of a sudden, I am angry, or depressed, it is a scary situation. But, I have always prided myself on being so mentally stable. And the reasons I give for being that way, are, I use logic and reason, to solve almost any problem I encounter.
So, if I do get depressed or angry for absolutely no apparent reason, I zone in on it and talk to myself, asking what is the reason I am depressed and or angry, and if i can logically not come up with a reason, I just let it take it's course, and do something that makes me feel good, much the same way you said you grabbed your boyfriend and kissed him. Hell chalk it up to something you ate, or a temporary hormonal change in your body, and then, just let it go.
If you delve into it with a vengence, because of your grandmother and aunt ,and start going to doctors because of it, believe me, they WILL find something wrong with you and have you taking one synthetic drug after another and it will become such a vicious cycle, that you would love to go back to the days when you occasionally got depressed or angry for no reason, because they have got you acting a lot stranger than that.
All of this is only my opinion of course.
Never give up on something that you can’t go a day without thinking about. ~