I'm anti-abortion, pro-life and pro-choice. I also think that most who believe that women have the right to choose are against abortions. The official pro-lifers seem to think that the pro-choice folks are abortion-happy. That's just not the case.
Just because I think a woman has a right to make her own decision doesn't mean that she should use it as a means of birth control, but it is her choice to make. As for a man's right, that's just plain bull. Carrying a fetus for ten months is not quite like carrying a backpack, so please don't complain when a woman makes the difficult choice to abort.
If the abortion option hadn't been available, I can't help but think of the many women who made stupid mistakes in their teens. If they'd opted to carry their babies to term, would they have gone to school and succeeded to become what they are today, or would they have been on government assistance because the notified father stopped paying child support? There are so many possible scenarios that don't necessarily end with the child's best interest at heart.
Before we judge others for their choices, let's not forget that it all boils down to what's in the best interest of the child.
We are always more anxious to be distinguished for a talent which we do not possess, than to be praised for the fifteen which we do possess.
Mark Twain