The only thing wrong with the lottery is that poor people waste their money on it instead of using the money for essential items. It's very kin to smoking in this regard. I don't think that's a problem with the lottery system though.
Lottery is a form of entertainment. You could say you're better off putting that money you would have spent going to the theater into a savings account. Instead of eating at that steak house, you could have a bologna sandwich at home for 1/50th the price. What's the point of having money when you're eating bologna sandwiches every day. I'd rather spend the money and enjoy my day. I'm not saying I don't save money, because I do. It's just that singling out the lottery, a waste of money that might actually pay off is silly compared to how much money you can waste on trivial things.
“It is better to be rich and healthy than poor and sick” - Dave Barry