Originally posted by BentNotTwisted
Lebell, thank you for all your hard work in answering these questions. I have learned a lot, and been given a lot to think about, just from your responses.
20 some years ago, when I was in college, I remember a disucssion with someone regarding the Christian religion. I was told that Christ had originally preached about many believes, including reincarnation, but that a great deal of his original teachings were struck from the bible at the First Council of Nicaea. Can you comment on this?
Dear BentNotTwisted,
Yes, I can make a few comments on this topic (and being the verbose fellow, I will

As I mentioned in my previous post, the early gentile bishops convened a council in 325 CE in the town of Nicea where they decided the official creeds and beliefs of the Church.
And as you mentioned, they decided just what books to include in the 'official' Bible. And yes, there are other early works (such as the "Gospel according to Thomas") that were not included. Occasionally these other works are "discovered" by someone and the debate starts again about their meaning, what Christ actually taught (e.g. reincarnation) etc.
Truthfully, I think these are interesting discussions, and work to keep us on our toes, but unless you are a Biblical literalist, one can look at these other books as more or less further revelation of God to His/Her people.
In other words, there may or may not be worth in them, but it is ultimately up to the reader to decide. Of course, like all things, the smart reader will study, consult and sometimes argue before deciding.
I'll go further to add that like particle physics, there are somethings we can say with more certainty than others. Was Jesus gay? We have no real reason to believe so. Did he eat "shrooms" at the last supper? Again we have no reason to believe so. Did he preach "reincarnation"? I have not seen credible evidence to believe he did.
That isn't to say that he didn't, but after looking at the "other" books and comparing them to what WAS included I have no reason to believe it.