Oh, this makes me feel so good and also brings back memories. I, too, lived in shitty aprtments years ago. Trailers, too. The was around 30 years ago. Things got progressivly better so hang in there.
I now live in a 2,700 sg ft ranch with 1,500 sq ft of finished based with a bar and full sized pool table and a walkout. My wife has a yoga studio in the basement. We live on one acres lots on a dead end street with 15 other homes. Fortunately, my side of the street back up to a large tree farm with several rows of spruce trees in between. The deck is about 1,000 sq ft and partially covered. It is way too much house but we gave up a house with a pool on a lake in SFLA so we were looking for a peaceful place. The size is great in the winter.
It took a long time to get here and I appreciate it all the more when I am reminded of the past!
I do have to say that dlish sure has a nice setup!
If you're wringing your hands you can't roll up your shirt sleeves.
Stangers have the best candy.