I suppose some experience more discharge than others. I know when I was in high school and college, I was constantly .......erm........ moist. lol But it's different now. I don't make a mess of my hooch unless I'm screwing around. Or of course, unless I leak while on mah monthly or I'm ovulating - which in that case I always wear underwear. If anything, it's just comforting. Oh and if it's 95 degrees outside, I'll deffo be in cottons.
It's kinda nice going commando as it's less laundry lol. And if I have company and I'm doing laundry, I don't have to hide them out of embarrassment.
Re: thongs - alrighty lol. My phat ass could never handle them. I'm Greek, i.e. very curvy. So they dug into my hips and if I was doing a lot of walking, I'd get irritation on mah booty. Perhaps I just can't pull them off............ literally. d'oh!
---------- Post added at 08:45 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:43 AM ----------
Originally Posted by Starkizzer
I used to only wear bikini briefs but in the heat I find that they end of stretching and growing and getting all out of whack. I hate having to adjust my underwear in the middle of the day.
OH - and I know what you mean. But Hanes have changed. They're now wedgie proof and fantastic. No adjusting whatsoever. It's srsly a breakthrough lol.