It makes sense that there are crises at certain points. Around 23-25 you're finished college, looking for or starting your career, and about to start putting down roots/relationships. There are a lot of decisions to make, or things that have been decided that you can now start doubting. Midlife crises are often when the kids are about to move out, you're close to the top of your career ladder without a major jump, and you're evaluating the past twenty years and how they represent the rest of your life.
Kinda like train stations along your life. Different tracks you can choose, and time to evaluate the route so far. You can always hit the brakes at other points, but most of the time you go along with what you've already decided.
That how it seems to me anyway. I had my quarterlife crisis early, and I'm happy with the result. I think my wife might be having hers now though.