when i first heard the term 'quarterlife crisis' i thought it was a little ridiculous -- too young to have crises, right? but the article (i think it was in slate) did bring up a lot of points that i related well to.
with that said, i really appreciate the nudges to appreciate 'today' as opposed to the obsession with tomorrow. funny how that came across in my short post! the reality is that i'm in a 'good' place in life -- good job, nice car, good relationship, close family -- but that i've overlooked a lot to be happy for for the sake of looking at tomorrow. and tomorrow doesn't always come, as halanna reminds.
all of these comments have been really helpful so thank you. i hope it's helpful for other people too. i've always believed that we can work to constantly evolve ourselves. perhaps these phrases like "quarterlife crisis" can be more than a cliche but can be a call for reflection.
and to crompsin and others who feel like they've been in perpetual crisis, I think crisis is a state of mind -- it doesn't necessarily have to do with your station or situation in life, it has to do with appreciating the things that we have with us right now. i enjoy trekking to a local mountaintop to regain that sense of wonderment that, regardless of what I have or what I do or who I know, I'm alive to experience whatever I can.