Acute appendicitis. Blah. It was like bad stomach cramps/gas, except going to the bathroom didn't change the sensation, and it got progressively worse over the course of the evening. The time period between being curled in the fetal position on the delightfully cold bathroom floor trying not to pass out, and when the morphine finally hit is all kind of a blur.
The one thing I remember was:
Nurse: "On a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 being the worst pain you've ever felt, what's this?"
Me: *glances at wife holding 5 week old baby* "Well, my wife just gave birth last month and didn't have time for so much as a tylenol during her 40 minute involuntarily unmedicated labor--out of respect for her I can't say 10, so let's go with 7"
twisted no more